But I digress... As I was saying, I don't know if there have been similar challenges during this time. I know that there's one that has just born: A thousand words, brought by Skye Donardson and Billy. There's a group in Flickr, A thousand words, where we have to add our contributions. The challenge consists on (quoted from their Flickr group page):
We generate a random word, topic, or partial phrase from the ones that YOU give us, and then set you loose with it. Turn it into a picture worth a thousand words! This group is all inclusive, and welcomes people of all skill levels to participate.
The most important rules to keep in mind are (also, quoting from their Flickr group page):
- When you submit your picture, please also go into the corresponding discussion, and put down your idea for the next challenge.
- Topics will be open for submittals for ONE week, and entries need to be in by NOON SLT on every other Saturday.
- Once the topic is closed, we will collect everyone's ideas, and put them in a random generator to choose the next cycle's topic, which will be posted by NOON the following Sunday on the blog, along with everyone's pictures from the prior cycle. The new topic will also be posted in the Flickr group.
I like these kind of challenges in SL. I may not participate all weeks (schedules can go crazy at times), but I'm posting all this to help spread the word. I hope that you will also participate, spread the word, and help keep these initiatives alive and kicking :-)
This week's challenge is Gods and Monsters, and this is my picture (with caption):
Too many gods turn their back to, and leave alone, those who helped them reaching the sky.
I hope to see you posting pictures there :-)
Mesh body: Lara, from Maitreya
Mesh hands: Lara's hands, from Maitreya
Mesh head: Stella, from Lelutka
Skin: Avril Applier, Jamaica, from Glam Affair
Lipstick: Included in Avril Applier
Hair: City Princess, Russet (Reds pack), from Exile
Dress: Diletta gown, Ink, from Junbug
Tiara: Leafs headpiece, Silver, from Zenith
Pose: The Dress #1, Black Tulip (mine)
PHOTO CREDITS - Auryn Resident (Alt)
Mesh hands: Coco Doll, Hands (1), from Coco (Cocoro Lemon)
Mesh ears: Coco Doll, Ears (Human), from Coco (Cocoro Lemon)
Mesh head: Coco Doll, Head 002AF (Closed Eyes), from Coco (Cocoro Lemon)
Mesh teeth: Coco Doll, Teeth 002, from Coco (Cocoro Lemon)
Mesh body: Coco Doll, Upper (Bandage & Cut), Lower (Bandage) from Coco (Cocoro Lemon)
Hair: Lucinda, Cherry, from Truth (I bought this one in 2011, not sure if it's still available)
Pose: Solitude #1, Black Tulip (mine)
Windlight Sky: Phototools- No Light
Windlight Water: Pond